Social Studies
Spectrum Social Studies series is based on the latest Single National Curriculum of Pakistan for General Knowledge and Social Studies.
Science Series
Spectrum Science correlates with the latest Single National Curriculum of Pakistan and also keeps in view the recommendations of some international curricula for Science.
English Series
Spectrum English is not only compliant with the latest Single National Curriculum of Pakistan but also with the Common Core State Standards of the United States of America for the English Language.
اسپیکٹرم اسلامیات کا یہ نصابی سلسلہ قومی نصابِ تعلیم کی روشنی میں نرسری جماعت سے آٹھویں جماعت تک کے طلباء کے لیے اسلامی تعلیمات ، شعائر واقدار کاایک مہکتا گلستان ہے۔ جو قرآن وحدیث ،اسلامی تاریخ، تمدن اور تہذیب کی تعلیم سلیس زبان میں خو بصورت و منفر دانداز سے پیش کرتا ہے۔
Islamic Studies
Spectrum Islamic Studies academic series is based on an integrated Islamiat curriculum of the Federal Ministry of Education (Govertment of Pakistan) and the Cambridge O Level.
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Active Readers
Spectrum Active readers are a series of top quality fiction from a variety of talented authors and illustrators
5D Series
Spectrum 5D series is not only ny experts of education, psychology, linguistics and theology but also by experienced and well-regarded teachers of the relevant subjects.